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Checks that input parameters are valid and in compliance with the comtrade API.


  frequency = "A",
  commodity_classification = "HS",
  commodity_code = NULL,
  flow_direction = NULL,
  reporter = NULL,
  partner = NULL,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  mode_of_transport = "0",
  partner_2 = "0",
  customs_code = "C00",
  verbose = F,



The frequency of returned trade data, default is 'A' for annual. Alternative is 'M' for monthly. The default value is 'A'.


The used classification scheme for the commodity code. As of now, only HS codes are supported, so default is 'HS'.


The commodity code that you would like to investigate. The default value is TOTAL, implying the sum of all commodities. Multiple values can be supplied as a character vector.


The direction of flows, e.g. whether you would like to get data on reported imports or exports. Possible values are "import" for imports, "export" for exports. Multiple values can be supplied as a character vector. The default value is 'all' for imports, exports, re-imports and re-exports.


This has to be a vector of character values specifying one or multiple reporter countries in the iso3c format. The reporter is the country that supplied the data to the UN. The string 'all' can be supplied to return values for all reporter countries that are not labelled as 'group' by the UN (e.g. ASEAN countries)


This has to be a vector of character values specifying the partner country in the iso3c format. The partner area is the country with whom the reporter has reported trade relations. The string 'all' can be supplied to return values for all partner countries that are not labelled as 'group' by the UN (e.g. ASEAN countries or the entire World). The value 'world' can be supplied, to include trade with all partner countries aggregated globally.


Start date of a time period.


End date of a time period.


The Mode of Transport is set to `0`, which is the default for TOTAL across all modes of transportation. This parameter is so far not being validated.


This value is set as a default to `0`, which is most likely the most general value and also the default on the Comtrade website.


The customs code is set to the default of `C00` which is the default for TOTAL across all customs procedures.


whether the function sends status updates to the console


You can pass in further parameters to the API that will not be checked and passed on as query parameters exactly as they are put in.


returns a list of named parameters for building a request